Hackintosh Safe Mode Clover

-vVerbose Mode
-xSafe Mode
-sSingle User Mode
-no-zpZone Postponing (use if hanging)
cpus=1Single CPU Core Mode
-fNo Kext Cache Mode (use if hanging)
dart=0Disables VT-x or VT-d
nvda_drv=1Enable NVIDIA Web Drivers
nv_disable=1Disable NVIDIA graphics cards
kext-dev-mode=1Kext Dev Mode
rootless=0Rootless Mode (Yosemite Only)
npci=0x2000If you're stuck at [PCI Configuration Began]
npci=0x3000If you're stuck at [PCI Configuration Began]
maxmem=4096Set Maximum Memory (MB RAM)
maxmem=8192Set Maximum Memory (MB RAM)
  1. Hackintosh Safe Mode Clover
  2. Hackintosh Safe Mode Clover Login


If you are having any trouble, first try this string. It works on a lot of systems with Intel HD Graphics to get into the OS X Installer from a Unibeast USB.

When you boot to Clover, you'll want to go into Options and ensure that '-v' is one of the entries for the boot flags if it's not already set in the config.plist file. What the -v flag does it set the loader to verbose mode, which produces a similar output when booting in Windows Safe Mode. For a while you'll see DOS-like text on a black. Part of Device Path - Also shown in Clover's logs. LastBootedVolume - The last booted volume will be set as default one in Clover GUI. OS X Startup Disk can be used to reboot into another volume, but for the following reboot DefaultVolume will be used again.

Hackintosh safe mode clover free

To make Hackintosh bootable USB drive on Windows you’ll need a few tools. 7-Zip stable version. If you’re using Clover, like me, then you can select to boot from the recovery partition on the Clover boot select screen. r/hackintosh) But be careful, changing things in recovery mode on a hackintosh can seriously break things, because most of the configuration work is.

If you have an NVIDIA Desktop GPU, use this string to boot into the installer:

CloverHackintosh Safe Mode Clover

Hackintosh Safe Mode Clover

If all else fails, or you don't know where to start, use this string:

If you have an NVIDIA Desktop GPU and you've installed NVIDIA Web Drivers, use this string:

Clover is a boot manager that allows you to select the OS you want to boot with. It is used mostly by Hackintosh users, that is, people that install MacOSX (along with other OSs, like Linux and Windows) on a non-Apple machine.

The Clover configuration can be quite tricky, and if you’re not lucky you can easily mess it up. That’s why it’s more than advisable to keep a backup of the /EFI/CLOVER/config.plist configuration file.

If you happen to break down your MacOSX boot, but you still have a working Windows boot on the same machine, you can follow these steps in order to restore a backup of config.plist:

  • Open an administrator console (run cmd.exe as Administrator) and type the following:
  • diskpart (open diskpart)
  • list disk (list your hard drives with)
  • select disk 1 (select the disk where your Clover EFI boot has been installed. 1 is just an example)
  • list partition (list the partitions available on the selected disk)
  • select partition 1 (select the boot EFI partition)
  • assign letter=s (assign a letter. S in this case)
  • exit (exit diskpart)
  • s: (go to the just mounted boot partition)
  • copy c:backupsconfig.plist . (c:backups is just an example. Replace this path by the path where you have your config.plist backup)

If everything worked fine, you can now restart and use your MacOSX boot again.

In addition to that, some Clover prefixes that can help you find out what went wrong are:

  • -x start using the safe mode
  • -v verbose mode

Hackintosh Safe Mode Clover Login

You can find more information about Hackintosh and Clover on tonymac86.